Nicole Kennard is working on the future of food

Grantham Scholar talks to CNBC about research & the future of food

Grantham Scholar Nicole Kennard speaks to CNBC about her research into the future of food.

Nicole talked to CNBC about the ways urban food production can benefit communities as well as mitigate against climate change. Further, urban agriculture can create more green spaces and create a localised food system.

The focus of Nicole’s research at the Grantham Centre is evaluating the sustainability and resiliency of urban food systems. Currently, she working at POST to produce a POSTnote about pesticides and health.

If you want to read more, then follow the link. Technology is shaping the future of food but practices rooted in tradition could still have a role to play

More Grantham Scholars featured by CNBC

This is the second time one of Scholars have spoken to CNBC. In June 2020 Maria del Carmen Redondo Bermudez was interviewed about her BREATHE. BREATHE is Maria’s research project, which looks at how barriers of plants can mitigate air pollution. Look here to read: In cities around the world, living walls and green barriers could lift our moods and help tackle pollution.

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The main image is of Nicole Kennard during her fieldwork in allotments in Sheffield.