Rachael Rothman at GRIPS 2024 conference

GRIPS 2024 Conference

We were so thrilled to host the Global Research and Innovation in Plastics Sustainability Conference 2024 (GRIPS 2024). The event brought together companies, individuals and change-makers to highlight the best of UK – and select international – innovations and business models that will lead to more sustainable plastics.

You can watch a full recording of the event here.

Plastics as Part of our Sustainable Future

In the opening session our Co-Director, Professor Rachael Rothman and Dr Fanran Meng, from the School of Chemical, Materials and Biological Engineering at The University of Sheffield, gave a fascinating presentation on how plastics can become part of a sustainable future.

You can view the presentation slides here: Plastic as Part of our Sustainable Future – A Journey Through the Waste Hierarchy

“We are very excited to be hosting GRIPS 2024. Back in 2020 we hosted (online) the precursor to GRIPS, the Creative Circular Economy Approaches to Eliminate Plastic Waste conference. From that beginning, GRIPS has grown to be the UK conference for discussion on how to reduce plastic waste and move towards a more sustainable plastic future. At the Grantham Centre for Sustainable Futures we believe in the importance of quantifying sustainability and ensuring systems are designed for use, reuse, recycling and ultimate end-of-life. We are looking forward to welcoming everyone to Sheffield and to all the insightful discussions and collaborations that will result from GRIPS 2024.” – Rachael Rothman

Driving Plastic Packaging Sustainability

In the second session, which explored the next steps towards more sustainable packaging, our research fellow, Dr Stuart Walker, talked about the benefits and challenges of bio-based products.

You can view the presentation slides here: Driving Plastic Packaging Sustainability

GRIPS 2024 – Event Programme

You can see the full GRIPS 2024 programme here.