Listen to the scientists says Tony Ryan

Listen to the scientists

A new paper by Peter Horton and Ben Horton vindicates both Greta Thunberg and Extinction Rebellion’s calls to listen to the scientists. 

Listen to the scientists by our Director Professor Tony Ryan

“I’m currently teaching a new Chemistry in a Sustainable Future course to 1st year undergraduates. And I’ve recommended they read Re-defining Sustainability: Living in Harmony with Life on Earth. Because in this paper Peter and Ben Horton lay out the scientific consensus behind Greta Thunberg’s message ‘listen to the scientists’.

The paper builds on scientific evidence to challenge the widely held human-centric view that we have the right to exploit everything on Earth. In doing so, the Hortons present a vision that vindicates the ambitions of Extinction Rebellion.

We in the Grantham Centre challenge the belief that sustainability can be delivered through exploiting nature in a smarter way or by controlling it better. Because we need to live in harmony with all life on Earth by respecting the land, the oceans, and the atmosphere from which everything we hold dear derives.”

Read: Re-defining Sustainability: Living in Harmony with Life on Earth