Regional and socio-economic inequalities in housing energy efficiency

Grantham Scholar Thomas Siddall researches housing energy efficiency in relation to inequalities. 

The project

Thomas’s research explores the role of energy efficiency measures in urban property markets and how they impact prices and neighbourhood composition. He is currently developing a theoretical (mathematical) model that explains how household location decisions are affected by persistent price premiums in energy-efficient neighbourhoods, and the implications this has for residents of cities in terms of welfare. He is particularly interested in how cities and property markets become segmented as a result, and how this impacts residential energy-efficiency investments.


In 2022, Thomas got a visiting research position at the London School of Economics to work on the final chapter of his PhD. He explored the extent to which peer networks influence urban form and property markets. The visiting position was funded by our Grantham Opportunities Fund. Read more about Thomas’s experience here.

Social media

You can find Thomas on LinkedIn.


Dr Enrico Vanino

Department of Economics
